Autumn Gypsy Dreams


There’s something about autumn that lights a fire in people. Maybe it’s the promise of new beginnings that has been engrained in us since childhood, when we became accustomed to starting a fresh school year filled with new opportunities. Maybe it’s the ebbing away of summer heat that makes you feel gloriously lazy, with crisp bursts of air taking its place to awaken us from our lethargy. Or maybe it’s seeing the calming green of nature begin to be consumed by bright flames of color, reminding us that life continues moving ahead. Whatever it is, we feel a renewed sense of life and energy during this season. I’ve always loved the juxtuposition of feeling more awake and alive as nature is beginning to go to sleep- as if its act of farewell is to gift us with a dazzeling jolt of fiery beauty to get us through the quiet of winter.

With this new life being breathed into my every day, it’s easier to just do things- to accomplish all sorts of things with a frenzy of activity. But I’m a day dreamer by nature. Even though I’m often busy with projects, work, or thinking and planning, my brain’s default mode is to drift into my imagination. This is probably what keeps me from becoming too overwhelmed, and I’ve learned to enjoy the breaks instead of constantly pushing them away.

Currently, my mind has been wandering all over the northern part of the world, filled with scenes of autumn adventures and escapes for my gypsy heart. Enjoy some pretty images that have been inspiring and igniting my mind lately.

(links and more photo inspiration can be found on my pinterest board: Autumn Gypsy)

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